Released January 2016
Johnson’s debut novel is highly original and brought to life by its unusual characters and their witty dialogue. The unique relationships that the characters create with one another make for an interesting and touching read but the anti-climatic ending will leave you unsatisfied. 3 out of 5 stars.
SUMMARY: Mimi, a reclusive, former best-selling author and single mother, needs help to complete her second novel. After a 25-year silence, she calls her editor and asks him to send someone to keep her on track. His assistant, Alice, arrives at Mimi's California home to help her finish the book on time, but Mimi has other plans for her. Mimi locks herself away, leaving Alice to care for Mimi's eccentric 9-year-old son, Frank, who gets into mischief at every turn. As Alice gets to know Frank, she becomes intensely curious as to who Frank's father is while trying to discover what role Xander, Frank's transient ex-piano teacher, plays within the family. She wonders if Frank's father and Xander, the man she has fallen for, are one and the same.