A grand adventure to a different world, Paige weaves an alternate tale written in the first person limited point of view that follows Snow Yardley aka "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" as she discovers who she really is and reveals all the lies that surround her whole existence. Moderately paced with some fast, heart racing scenes, we get sucked into the life and story through the ups, downs and numerous, unexpected surprises. In this coming of Age, Snow will face deceit, heartbrokenness, lies, truth, confusion and more as she must determine who is actually the truth tellers. Recommended for young adults but great for all, especially those that like an interesting twist to original fairy tales.
SUMMARY: Snow Yardley has spent about the last ten years of her life in a high security mental hospital after she tried to walk through a mirror with a friend at the age of six. Her friend Bale is the only thing that keeps her sane throughout the years. Now he has been taken through a mirror. She must break out of the hospital and find him in the land of Algid, where nothing is quite what it seems.
(Bloomsbury, September 2016, 384 pages, $18.99, ISBN: 9781681190761, HC, 14+)
Book 1 in Stealing Snow series
Reviewed for RT BOOK REVIEWS