Jae-Jones has created an enthralling storyline in this sequel to her debut, Wintersong. This is a coming-of-age novel and written in the first person limited point of view. The story takes place six months after the main character returns to "the world above." It’s best to read this as the second of a duology, though it is detailed enough to be read as a standalone. You will laugh, cry, be shocked and even annoyed! Shadowsong perfectly ties up all the loose ends but leaves the reader wanting more. You will not want to miss this amazing tale; prepare to stay up late just to see what happens next.
Liesl and her sister have heard tales all their lives about the Goblin King and the Underground. Liesl has retrieved her sister from the Underground after her abduction by the Goblin King. Joseph, Liesl's brother, is stuck in a faraway land after the death of his mentor. Liesl and her sister receive money from a mysterious, music-loving benefactor to travel to Joseph. The old laws broke when Liesl returned from the Underground, causing chaos and the Wild Hunt to walk above. Will Joseph thank or turn on Liesl for keeping the whole of his existence secret? And can Liesl save her brother, plus the austere young man she met and the world above before the Wild Hunt finds her? (THOMAS DUNNE, Feb., 400 pp., $18.99, 15 & Up)
Reviewed by:
Jenny Falcone for RT Book Reviews
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