Do you ever get frustrated with buying pads and tampons?
Do you ever get tired of throwing out brand new underwear due to spotting or leaking?
If you are thinking I had some procedure done, this is not the case. I get my monthly menstrual cycle just like any woman of childbearing age. My cycle lasts 7-8 days every month. I get two days of really heavy bleeding and go through a bunch of pads and tampons. I use the pads with wings to try to avoid ruining my underwear on a consistent, monthly basis.
Well, last month I was reading a post Facebook and thought I would check the information out online. I did a ton of research and decided to give it a try. How much do you think you spend each month on your cycle? I want to say I spend at least $15 a month on products. Do you wear your tampon at night and worry about TSS?
I purchased an item called a Diva Cup. It is a menstrual cup that you insert like a tampon but is made of silicone and does not run you the risk of TSS. I put it in the day before or the day of the start of my period, check it 3-4 times the first 2 days of my period and 1-2 times a day for the remaining days of my period. This cup catches it all and only will cause spotting if it gets too full or its not set correctly. This cup is amazing. I have gone 2 months now without pads or tampons or that icky period smell and I have to say I absolutely do not miss it, especially not the smell. I also used to get some pain down there during my cycle and would get either a UTI or a yeast infection during my period each month, with the cup I get none of this.
Like I said I put the cup in, I check it each time, rinse it and put it back in. It basically stays in for the whole length of the period and doesn't cause dryness or irritation at all and you can hardly notice anything at all. After your period, you simply clean it, boil it for 5 minutes to sterilize, and put it back in the cute bag it came with to wait for your next cycle.
The Diva Cup is $30 and well worth the money. Even if you only get 2 months use out of it, it pays for itself. I would definitely say to buy the name brand like I did as some of the reviews I read on the off brands said that leakage occurred or there was something wrong with the product. I bought the Diva Cup model size 2 since I have 2 kids. If you are under 30 and never had kids you can get the model size 1. Go strictly by the standards the Diva Cup website says. I give this product 5 out of 5 stars.
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